Tag Archives | men over 50

Wellness Industries Flourishing $$ – But Are Consumers Healthier?

If Health Is Simply Diet, Exercise & Medicine, Then Why Are So Many Sick? The modern day paradigm of staying healthy and slowing down aging revolves around three dominant wellness approaches: diet, fitness, and preventive medicine. Despite these flourishing industries providing easy access to healthy lifestyle through natural foods, health clubs and preventive information, we still see chronic […]

Spring Fitness HIT Training Class & Cold Therapy

Get Results! Adventure, Fun, Safe, Non-Competitive Fitness for All Levels! Lose that Stubborn Belly Fat by Activating Your Human Growth Hormone HGH (the youthful, recovery, strength increasing, fat burning hormone) HGH begins to decline at age 30 unless it is activated! Learn How To Increase Fat Burning By Food Timing & Frequency Consumption Traditional Diet […]

Thrive At Any Age By Applying Science Based Nutrition & Fitness

Take Back Your Health Now!

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